Little Prince Day

September 16, Tuesday

Little Prince Day
© ShutterStock
Prince's Day (Prinsjesdag) is an important annual event in the Netherlands, held on the third Tuesday of September. On this day, the King of the Netherlands officially opens the new parliamentary year, and the government presents its plans for the upcoming year.

Main Elements of Prince's Day
Speech from the Throne (Troonrede).
The King delivers a speech prepared by the government, outlining the key policy directions and plans for the coming year. This is the central moment of Prince's Day.

Golden Coach (Gouden Koets).
The royal family arrives at the Binnenhof (the government complex in The Hague) in a coach often adorned with historical and symbolic decorations. This spectacular parade attracts large crowds of spectators.

Budget Plan (Miljoenennota).
Following the Speech from the Throne, the Minister of Finance presents the national budget, which is subsequently debated in parliament. This document outlines how the government plans to allocate resources.

Traditions and Ceremonies
Prince's Day is marked by grand ceremonies, parades, and the participation of the royal guard in traditional uniforms. It is one of the most prominent events on the Dutch political calendar.

Significance of the Celebration
Prinsjesdag symbolizes the connection between the monarchy and the government. It also emphasizes political transparency, as the state's plans and budgets are made public. The event holds great cultural importance and attracts both citizens and tourists.

Little Prince Day

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Little Prince Day in other years

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